The world is full of crazy people and crazier shitutations (shitty situation – if you like that, quote me). 

And in the midst of all this craziness, we try to live our lives and make sense of it all.

We don’t have all the answers so we often call on other people for counsel … Either that or we just love talking about our trivial problems whenever it’s our turn to speak. The reason why we do this isn’t important right now.

Asking for advice is all well and good, but you have to know where to get it when you really have a dilemma.

The main problem with asking someone for advice is that people will say anything to make themselves sound credible and interesting. Here’s what you should know before taking.


1.People are pretty selfish

It’s not their fault, but it’s hard for the average person to get outside of themselves and put themselves in your shoes. Teaching empathy to a self-involved person will make them look at you the same way your dog would if you tried teaching it Japanese.

It’s hard for a lot of people to answer a question without subconsciously peppering their feelings and irrelevant thoughts all over their answer. Sometimes asking them for advice gives them an excuse to talk about their problems or something completely unrelated to what you’re asking about. Essentially, the average person doesn’t really care about what happens to you unless they’re directly affected by the outcome.


2. People Lie

Some people will shamelessly lie to you.

They’ll lie to “protect your feelings” rather than tell you what they really think. The truth is that they don’t want to be the asshole telling you what you need to hear. No one really likes to say mean things to your face – they’ll do so behind your back, on the innanet, and in their dreams, but never to your face … because that would be mean.

People will tell you everything you want to hear. They’ll bake you a gigantic cake of lies with 5 different layers of creamy exaggerations and add sprinkles and maraschino cherries for presentation. They’ll feed you these sweet lies and you’ll eat them until you get indigestion.


3. If you get burned, you burn alone.

Some people will be happy to tell you what to do, however, if they turn out to be wrong and shit goes sideways, the next time you see them, you’ll say, “Dude, what the fuck? That advice you gave me was complete horse shit. It completely backfired.”

To which they’ll reply, “No one put a gun to your head, dude.”


Lesson learned.


If you must take advice from someone, go to someone you trust, who knows you well and has your best interest at heart. Their advice will be genuine and well-intentioned. They may end up being wrong, but they’ll be much more sympathetic towards the outcome.